Jakarta, October 20th 2022 – Consortium of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) and PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri signed the Head of Agreement for the construction of the PT. Cakra Bumi Energi Coal Processing Plant with a contract value of IDR 210 billion on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at the Bomba Group clubhouse building, Jl. Adityawarman, South Jakarta. The event was attended by all Bomba Group stakeholders, Bomba Group directors, PT Cakra Bumi Energi (CBE) directors, directors and management of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK), directors of PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri, representatives of PT Danareksa (Persero), representatives of PT Taspen (Persero), and representatives of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. followed by a ceremony
and lunch together.
PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) won the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)/ Engineering, Procurement and Construction 1000 TPH Coal Processing Plant (CPP) tender. This CPP will be built to support the SUMSEL-1 Mine Mouth Steam Power Plant (MT Sumsel-1) with a capacity of 2 x 300 MW, which is predicted to be one of the main power plants for the province of South Sumatra. This CPP is designed, fabricated, and quality tested in Indonesia with a local content level of up to 88%. “This CCP is the work of the Indonesian using the latest technology to reduce dust and pollution. We fully fabricate this CPP in Indonesia, with the exception of Drive Systems such as gearboxes and electric motors, which we still import from abroad” said Felik
Makuprathowo as the representative of the consortium of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) and PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri.
This CPP will be built in Gunung Megang Village, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province and is estimated to absorb up to 100 local workers. The location of this CPP facility will be coupled with PLTU MT Sumsel-1 whose shares are jointly owned by PT Shenhua Guohua Lion Power Indonesia (SGLPI) and CBE. PLTU MT Sumsel-1 is a national strategic project mandated by President Joko Widodo and is targeted to be operational by December 2023. "Bomba Group prioritizes this project because besides being mandated by President Jokowi as a National Strategic Project, it is also beneficial for the people of South Sumatra as a catalyst for equitable national development," said Todotua Pasaribu as the Group CEO of Bomba Group.
Previously in August, PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri completed soil analysis work at the work site. PT UEI in this project will later act as a civil works contractor, where PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) takes its share for procurement, fabrication of coal transportation equipment, technical engineering, and steel fabrication. The acquisition of this contract was also followed by the opportunity to bid for the maintenance and operation of the material transportation equipment in the CPP area itself when it was completed with a contract period of up to 30 years. "After going through a long tender stage, we believe that we have appointed the right contractor to work on this project, we also offer the opportunity to take on the maintenance and operation of CPP with a service period of 32 years," said Rudolf Tulus as President Director of CBE. "We are very happy and proud to be trusted by CBE and Bomba Group as contractors in the construction of CPP at PLTU Sumsel 1, of course we will carry out this mandate as well as possible and on time," said Ir Bambang Susilo, President Director of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK).
On the same occasion, representatives from the company's business development team PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK), Mr. Fitradityo Harjuno Susilo revealed the company's future plans to take advantage of the momentum of rising coal prices followed by business prospects in mining. “The acquisition of this CPP contract is very strategic, because in addition to the large value, it is also followed by the opportunity to become a CPP maintenance and operation service operator for the next 3 decades. With our past success in developing CPP and operating and maintaining it, we believe we can position ourselves even more strongly, especially in South Sumatra,” said Mr. Fitradityo firmly. PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) and PT.Unggul Ejawantah Industri are members of the holding group PT. Reborn Capital. PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) was founded in 2009 as a steel manufacturing and engineering company. PT. Unggul Ejawantah Industri is a civil engineering and construction company with project experience in various parts of Indonesia. Consortium PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. (IDX: NTBK) and PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri are committed to always prioritizing quality that meets high standards.